WHICH TURF? See our Varieties page to decide which turf type is best for you. Such things as the amount of sun and shade, family, pets, traffic, maintenance, frost, soil, and drainage should all be considered.
PREPARATION - Rotary hoe or cover area with organic turf underlay (60% washed river sand, 30% soil and 10% manure) to 100mm deep. If clay base, add gypsum first. If in a wet area, a drainage system is essential. Rake smooth, keeping about 25mm below paths.
MEASURE, ORDER - Measure dimensions of the area to be covered and use our measuring page to work out how many square metres you need. Allow a little extra for awkward shapes, as the turf will need to be cut to shape and make sure you lay the turf on the day it's delivered.
** Ask us for a price to supply and lay your lawn.
LAY IT YOURSELF - Start from a straight line - boundary, path, driveway etc. From boundaries first, roll out your turf as you would a rug. Butt together all joints, without overlaps. Stagger joints in each new row, like laying bricks. Use a large sharp knife or spade for shaping.
Roll, or hose and walk-down turf to smooth out bumps and air pockets, this makes for good soil contact. Soak the new lawn but don't over-water. If you put a cup under your sprinkler, when it's half-full, that's enough water. Soft leaf Buffalo often needs light top dressing with washed river sand when first installed.
TRAFFIC - Use your new lawn sparingly for the first two or three weeks, until roots are well-established. No heavy games, dog traffic or other rough use until then.
MOWING - When new lawn cannot be lifted - 10-14 days after laying in warm weather - mow along turf strips until fully established, then north/south, east/west for best results.
Never remove more than a third of the leaf blade in a single mowing. Set mower heights at: Kikuyu - 25 mm; Couch - 20 mm; Soft Leaf Buffalo - 30 mm.
FEEDING, TOP DRESSING - In growing season, fertilise every 6-8 weeks, watering in well. Regular light applications will give you a year-round full-coloured, healthy carpet. Late autumn fertilising helps retain winter colour.
MAINTENANCE - Mow lawn lower before applying springtime nitrogen-based fertiliser. If area is uneven, topdress with washed river sand and mow in the opposite directions to iron out bumps.